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The Edmonds Independents Foundation is a registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that provides support to Edmonds Independents Special Olympics teams by providing financial support to the teams and operational support to coaches and other volunteers. In addition, they provide financial support for other activities for athletes, coaches, and family members of the Edmonds Independents community.

​The mission of Edmonds Independents Foundation is to offer year-round Special Olympic and other activities for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Our vision is to provide opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, and experience joy and friendship with their families, other Special Olympic athletes and the community.

We accomplish our mission by:

  • Providing financial support to Edmonds Independents Special Olympics teams

  • Providing opportunities for Edmonds Independents Special Olympics athletes and families to participate in Special Olympics sports and other activities

  • Assisting Edmonds Independents teams recruit and retain qualified coaches and other volunteers

  • Providing operational support to coaches and other volunteers by assisting they meet Special Olympic Washington requirements and guidelines

  • Assisting with communications for Edmonds Independents athletes, their families, and coaches

Board Members

  • Jim Schwartz, Chairman & President

  • Scott Tebow, Secretary & Vice President

  • Molly Weber, Treasurer, Program Coordinator & Vice President

  • Peggy Haywood, Vice President Fundraising

  • Norma Wall, Vice President Outreach

  • Brian Radabaugh, EIF Board Member-At-Large

  • Patti Schwartz, EIF Board Member-At-Large

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